Daily Rituals to Empower Your Day And Change Your Life

Believe it or not, our days start with the last thought we have before we go to sleep. Do you go to bed stressing about the next day or confident and excited for the day ahead? Here are some of my daily rituals that have helped to empower my days and change my life. Before bed, envision how you would like your morning to go. How would you like to feel? To the right is a sacred water ritual that you can do nightly to help prepare for your day.

Morning Ritual:

  • I typically wake up very slowly, around 7 AM. I used to feel so pressured to roll out of bed and get to all the things immediately, but I realized that when that is my plan I feel super stressed and don't want to get up, and then I end up rushing through my morning routine or skipping it altogether. Now, I wake up to give myself time for my Lemon/Ginger/Tumeric water, coffee, and chill with my hubby for a bit. 

  • Yoga/Journal/ Card pulls/Reading time: I have a few inspirational books that I will open a random page to and just see what inspires me! I love A Course in Miracles by Neville Goddard, Gather by Octavia Raheem, and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay at the moment. From there, I will choose a class on Gaia or do a few sun salutations (I always add a few poses), Tibetan Rites and or my four-minute plank (intervals of 30 sec with different types of planks), and I try to do a few pull-ups or handstands. Last, I will journal and pull a few Angel Oracle cards to help guide my day. Oracle cards are just a way for our angels, guides, and ancestors to offer a helping hand, and it is so helpful to my life! 

  • I get ready for the day, every day. Since I only work four days a week, I try to keep this routine up all week and take my time. When I am blessed with additional time, I take a long walk with the pups, a bike ride, rock climb, hike, or rollerblade.

  • Final step: Document how you feel when you plan your day in advance and take time for yourself in the morning vs. when you do not. That is a real key piece to habit change- noticing the cue that makes you feel the best and realizing/ remembering the reward of your efforts.

Feel free to write me back to share your ritual with me or if there is anything you try from this!

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