New & Full Moon Ceremonies

For Energy Cleansing and Manifestation

Did you know?

There is tremendous power in harnessing the energy of the moon and its various cycles.

Moon rituals are an ancient and sacred practice that help us tap into the natural rhythms of the universe and explore our subconscious.

You will need an open mind and a desire to find more peace, quiet and understanding in the unfolding of your life. We’ll create an alter and align on some mantras and intentions to implement within the upcoming lunar cycle.

There are 8 phases of the moon, but the most influential are the new moon and full moon.

New Moon

It’s time to get still and plant new seeds of desire.

As a rule with NEW MOONS, know that this is a STARTING POSITION. It is great to start and dream things that will grow and blossom LATER in time. This is a planting time.

This is the best time to start taking a class, start writing a book, start a new health plan, or take the first steps of a long process. This is a great time to start learning something new.

Full Moon

This is the COMPLETION Moon phase when things can feel very intense.

We can feel very restless or out of control. This is the Moon Phase that has you tossing and turning, so you might as well accept it and use the energy to allow messages to come through because ANSWERS are also out in the open at this time.

I would recommend putting or sending the questions out there with this Moon Phase, whether to your doctor, to your partner or to your guides… because this is the time of “ask and you shall receive.”

And for that reason, I also encourage you to already have dreams out there and in motion a few days before this Moon phase hits. You WANT the brightness of the Full Moon, but you also want the energy of excitement that occurs JUST before it goes full.

This is the Moon phase to bring things to the light!

Are you ready to harness the power of moon in your mindfulness or self-care routine?