My Quick Story
Creatively weaving her passion for yoga as a steadfast lifestyle choice, Tiffany is a mind-body-soul healer. She radiates a warmhearted, approachable vibe of "I see you, I get you, I feel your pain, and yes, you can heal." Tiffany's inspirational and empowering yoga workshops merge breath work and movement with meditation, journaling, and sound healing music. She facilitates life-changing experiences and she provides the gift of everlasting self-care tools. Tiffany brings passion and authenticity to the mat. Her divine, Goddess-inspired message centers on the mind-body-soul connection. Wherever she is, Tiffany is on a mission to reawaken people's hearts and remind everyone that they are not alone. In her free time, she loves to write, travel, and be outdoors with Mother Nature. Tiffany is based out of Northwest Denver, Colorado and is the Community Manager at, as well as a guiding light at Breath of Life Yoga Studio, 24 Hour Fitness and online with
“If there is to be a future, it will wear a crown of feminine design.”
Tiffany B from Thursday 7pm Yoga class, you have given me back something I have truly missed for months... strength and peace. Tiffany, you encouraged your class to go through the transitions of a workout and meditative practice, this is huge! Yoga is a hard balance sometimes to find that "almost there" feeling within yourself. Your presence was wonderful and your love for the class shows, thank you for bringing that to this gym; for it's not easy to find. Thank you for giving back by showing how much you love what you do, it makes a tremendous difference and deserves to be recognized at this facility.
-Andrea, 24 Hour Fitness Yoga Class Student
Photo by: Nicole Howe
"You have a gift of connection, and being able to look in someone's eyes and know just what they need. Whether it is going emotionally deep, comforting meditation, sound healing, or just an asana escape, you have that Southern charm, and that certain "je ne said quoi" of reaching people and saying without saying it you tell them, "I know. I know. I feel you. I've been there. Take my hand, I am your guide, your mentor. You may feel broken, but you can be healed." You will transform those around you and help those who truly need to be rescued. As your rose blossoms, and blooms, you will touch many." -Alison
Photo by: DJ Pierce
Passion Projects
Peace Warrior Foundation and ‘Love and Inspiration from Tiffany Bush Yoga’ are both near and dear to my heart, and I hope that these endeavors will keep me as close as possible to my ultimate mission. I am a firm believer that in order to help heal the world around me, it starts with self-study and self-healing. I have led an abundant and blessed life, but it has not always been easy (and honestly, I thank my mother and having a positive attitude for my resilience!) I hope my truth, passion and encouragement will touch one soul, so they too can pass on the torch of self-love, world-love, compassion- and ultimately, sweet peace.
Here's to healing, health, love, forgiveness- and remembering the ultimate power of giving and receiving!!
My Mission
I believe that Love is the Only Way. My mission is to help dissolve the illusion of separation.
Mother Earth Grounding (hikes, plant medicine, etc)
Creativity Exploration
Community Building
Nutrition and Fitness
Goddess Study and remembrance
Wealth Management